
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Foundation Reviews: Part I

Hey everyone, thought I'd blog about a bunch of foundations/BB creams that I haven't yet had a chance to blog about.

1. Napoleon Perdis NP Set Memory Foundation - Set 2 (Light)

So on Valentines day this year, I didn't have a special someone to share the day with so I went shopping down south with my dad (in Seattle haha)

So I'm wandering around the makeup aisles in Target and as always, I'm a sucker for nice (simple-looking) packaging so I come across this little section of a brand I've never heard of: NP. I knew I was already on the lookout for a new gel/liquid foundation so I saw this "tinted moisturizer" and I thought it would be good. There was also no price but I was pretty much like "meh, how expensive can something get in Target?". LOL bad choice. It was like $28.99CAD or something like that. Sooo ridiculously expensive for drugstore foundation but I bought it anyway.

I haven't seen a lot of reviews of this product online (maybe its fairly new?) But from those that I have read, people were quite upset at the fact that there isn't very much coverage. I am actually ok with that. It already says "tinted moisturizer" on the back so I didn't expect that much coverage anyway.

I would rate this product 7/10
- It's good for every day use,
- Doesn't look cakey
- Suitable for most skin types
- Its unscented
- Isn't very oily (that is if you don't slather it on)

- Quite the hefty price for a drugstore "tinted moisturizer" (not even a foundation)
- The application gets very, very messy.
- Doesn't stick to your face very well? Is that how you would phrase it? I'll explain myself a bit here. I'm the type of person to always rest my chin or rest my head on my hand. Yeah. This foundation comes off and all over my hands very easily. More so than any other foundation I have used.

Conclusion: Don't buy this product if you're looking for a foundation with good coverage. This one doesn't build very well and will look oily if you try to. Buy this product if you want a natural-looking foundation for every day use.

2. Kanebo Media Liquid Foundation (OC-E1)

So I got this product the time I went back to Hong Kong before last summer and I haven't really used it all that much. Sorry, I don't remember the price but similar to most products I get in Hong Kong, it was from SaSa. Just imagine that it was less than $20CAD.

Overall, I would give this product: 7/10
- Unscented
- Easy to apply (brush/hands/sponge)
- SPF 30 (I would still recommend using sunscreen before this if you'll be out in the sun for a long time though)
- Easy to blend/mix with other foundations

- Pretty cheap for the quality that you're getting
- Good coverage

-  Looks a bit cakey (really, this is the only reason why I scored the product so low)
- Very yellow-toned (I'm Chinese and it's still too yellow for me haha)

3. Dream Girls Blemish Balm

I know I've talked about this product before but Its time for an official review of it. I started using this product about 2-3 years ago and I'm on my 4th bottle already (I think I need to open up a new one tomorrow morning actually) I use this product pretty much every day and I dunno, it works out pretty well for me.

I rate this product: 9/10
- Perfect for lazy people (like myself). You just apply it like you would with any moisturizer
- Blends very well
- SPF 30
- Works every day 
- Isn't too oily
- Cheap (I get it for $19.99CAD at some random Asian cosmetics store)

- Minimal coverage
- Has a slight grey-toned base (Lots of people complain about BB Creams being too grey)
- Doesn't mix very well with your skin's oil... (It's 8pm, I put this on in the morning at around 9am and it's starting to look kind of gross)

Anyway, it has been a long post and I'm only halfway done with foundations. I'll find some time to do it soon and I'll post again later


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